APHP's 18th AGM and 2021-2022 Executive Committee
APHP's 18th Annual General Meeting was held on the 27th May 2021 via the Zoom online platform. Please find the following documents emanating from the meeting attached for your information and review.
1. Copy of the presentation given by the Chair. The last two slides pertain to the budget.
2. Revised budget
At the AGM, it was agreed by members that our annual expenses should not exceed our annual income generated largely by membership fees, as has been the case for the last few years. We have been relying on "carried over" amounts to see us through.
Three proposals were put to the members present and a 4th proposal was adopted. The adopted proposal agreed to increase annual membership fees as follows:
Accredited Members: R950
Associate and Candidate Members: R450
3. Updated APHP Constitution
At the AGM, the members present agreed to the proposed changes to the constitution as per the attached document.
The 2021-2022 Executive Committee are as follows:
Gavin McLachlan (Chair)
Emmylou Bailey
Jenna Lavin
Elwyn Harlech-Jones
Claire Abrahamse
Wendy Wilson
William Martinson