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15th Annual General Meeting of APHP

APHP held its AGM on Wednesday, 30th May 2018.

Revisions to the accreditation guidelines for membership accreditation was tabled and approved (please see attached) as well as a proposed Conference for 2019 themed: Decolonising Western Cape Heritage

The 2018/2019 Executive Committee:

Jenna Lavin (Chairperson)

Emmylou Bailey (Vice- Chairperson)

Louise van Riet (Treasurer)

Ursula Rigby

Mike Scurr

Stefan de Kock

Melanie Attwell

Muneerah Karriem (co-opted as Secretary)


the revised accreditation guidelines,

minutes and,

approved financial statements.



Attachment Size
APHP 2017-2018 Financial report.pdf (392.95 KB) 392.95 KB
AGM Minutes - 30 May 2018.pdf (204.25 KB) 204.25 KB
Revised Accreditation Guidelines - May 2018 (further edits).pdf (330.07 KB) 330.07 KB